Developers will have to take part in the improvement of urban infrastructure
Due to the new rules of the Prague City administration, the regulations, according to which developers will take part in improving the urban infrastructure during the realization of their projects, will become more transparent.
In the first case, the amount of payment could be in the range of 500 to 1000 CZK for each square meter of the project.And if the city plan is changed, the amount will vary from 1500 to 2000 CZK per square meter.However, the final amount has not been established.The purpose of the new regulation is to create a transparent environment for both developers and the city. Thus, the developer will not have to fulfill the requirements above their obligations,and Prague will have a clear visionwho will provide city lighting, repair roads and create conditions for public transport in new areas.The new requirements will create an opportunity for developers to have better understanding of their obligations to the city and the limit of the amount of contributions.This action will shorten the duration of the approval of urban planning conditions, increase the efficiency and transparency of obtaining building permits.